Overcast Insights
Thermal Comfort


In the dynamic realm of modern architectural design, the significance of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) cannot be overstated. Within this multifaceted landscape, one crucial aspect often overlooked is the profound impact of indoor environment (which includes temperature, humidity, air quality, etc.) on occupants’ well-being and productivity. Whether in an office, healthcare, or educational setting, the combination of inclement weather with insufficient systems only creates negative results. The spaces that we spend our time in must cater to our most basic of needs and requirements. Today, indoor air environmental quality is a cornerstone of occupant satisfaction, influencing mood, concentration, and overall performance. Yet, traditional HVAC systems often fall short under the extremes in weather that we witness today.

The consequences of inadequate indoor environmental quality regulation can be dire, particularly in environments like classrooms. High indoor temperatures (as one component of the indoor environment), exacerbated by inadequate ventilation, cooling systems, or thermal sensors, can lead to a host of issues for both students and educators. In fact, research has shown that elevated temperatures in classrooms can impair cognitive function, reduce attention span, and hinder learning outcomes. In extreme cases, prolonged exposure to high indoor temperatures can even pose health risks, such as heat exhaustion or heatstroke, especially for young children who may be more vulnerable to heat-related illnesses. In healthcare scenarios, without proper temperature control, the health and well-being of patients can be harmed.



For owners and operators, maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment is a key requirement. To make this happen, choosing the correct HVAC and temperature related equipment is critical, not only individually but holistically with other systems as well. By prioritizing selections this way, spaces work together to create an indoor environmental quality that nears perfection. While the growing approach of utilizing design-build project teams helps make sure that system selections are ideal, manufactured configurable products are taking this potential to the next level.

Our approach at Overcast Innovations addresses the indoor environmental quality challenge head-on. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and innovative design principles, we’re creating assemblies that integrate aesthetically while incorporating all ceiling-mounted technology devices. Ceiling-mounted technologies are instrumental in providing a quality indoor environment.

When you’re uncomfortably warm or cold; when you have too much or too little ventilation; when the air around you is too muggy or too dry everything feels harder. Every word you type just makes you think about how cold your hands are, for example. Every layer you wear for the day can become a regret as the temperature rises. At Overcast, we design products that prioritize the end-user experience and steer our decisions around IEQ, making sure that we help contribute to spaces that people want to engage with. Every space and the people within it deserve to feel comfortable without the negative impacts to their health and wellbeing listed above, and it is always our goal to be the facilitators of just that.